Regular Meeting – January 8, 2013


           I.               CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman George Owen at 1600 hours.  Members present: George Owen, Dee Potter, Mike Williams, and Larry Helsley.  Member absent: Bill Britton.  Others present: Chief Alvord, Legal Advisor David Hammer, Sleeper Ernie Curran, and Clerk Marjie Watkins.


         II.               CONSENT AGENDA:

A.    Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of December 4, 2012 – Correction in III B. change “Chairman” to “Vice-Chairman”.

B.     Approve Warrant List, Budget Transfers, and Journal Entries –

      MSC: Williams/Helsley approved consent agenda as corrected.


       III.               ACTION ITEMS:

A.    Discuss/Approve Funding for the purchase of a Type 1 engine, fiscal impact of up to $75,000 – Chief Alvord reported we are currently the highest bidder for this engine; this engine is worth $75,000 to $90,000.  Last meeting the Board approved $50,000 and the Department has authorized $10,000 which will give us $60,000, Chief Alvord requested to increase the amount of funds approved to bid on the engine.  There was discussion regarding the funds available in our account and the history of this engine.  MSC: Williams/Potter to move $5,000 from the FF Fund to the Apparatus Fund.  No Discussion.  Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Owen, Potter, Helsley, and Williams.  Absent: Britton. 

MSC: Williams/Helsley to approve $80,000 of District funds from Apparatus                  account to bid and purchase Type 1 engine, $10,000 match from Department equaling up to $90,000.

B.     Discuss/Approve Annual awards banquet – Chief Alvord reported the awards banquet will be on Saturday February 9th at the La Grange Café.

C.    Discuss/Approve Annual Audit performed by Matson & Isom – MSC: Potter/Helsley to approve the audit as presented.



A.    Hazard Reduction Progress Report – Chief Alvord reported Mr. McMillan is currently working down south for the winter.  The Hazard Reduction program is on hold for the winter until the weather gets better.  We are asking for $32,750 in the next round of Title III awards.  FF Curran may take over Mr. McMillan’s Coordinator position and we will be trying to keep the work in-house.

B.     Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report – Chief Alvord reported Todd Corbett was promoted to Assistant Chief and Gus Kormeier was promoted to Captain.  Captain Prindiville has moved to Wisconsin.  We have one new recruit and one Explorer who has turned 18 and has applied to become a Probationary FF.  Chief Alvord attended the Dept of Agriculture roundtable meeting and follow up meeting last week regarding the national forest.  Dollar General Plans have been approved; the property has a cracked hydrant that they will need to replace.  Department donation letter has been postponed due to the CalFire fees, Chief Alvord is considering including an annual newsletter with the donation letter.  The Department responded to 506 calls in 2012.  Pressure release valve on the hot water heater at station 2 is bad, currently the water is off, and there is a small space heater on to keep the building from freezing.  Chief Alvord submitted a grant request to the Weaverville Hot Rodders $500 for Engine 3 and $500 for Explorers for fire academy.  Station 1 has had a few water leaks in the roof; condensation water box on the heating unit was cracked and has been replaced.  Gutter had 2 leaks that came into the Chief office, they have also been fixed.  CalFire Con crew worked here one day and took the chains off the engines, shoveled snow away from the building, and cleaned the apparatus bay floor. 

C.    Sleep Program Reports – Sleeper Curran reported the juniors have been doing a lot of the station housekeeping.  He will be working on the rescue, new engine, and on a turnout dryer for the apparatus bay.

D.    Committee Reports –

1.      Recruitment Committee – None

2.      Collections Committee – 1 collection letter to send out, 1 working through the collection process.

3.      Contract Committee – Chief Alvord reported a contract was received from the Department of Health and Human Services for Hepa filter machine, the contract states the County will provide filters as long as funding is available, then the Fire District would be responsible for providing filters.  Chief Alvord has requested that this be removed from the contract since this is not an item we requested.

4.      Tuition Committee – None

5.      Budget Committee – Helsley reported the committee will have a mid budget review on Tuesday January 22nd at 2:00 p.m.

E.     Director Reports – None

         V.               PUBLIC COMMENTS: None

       VI.               CORRESPONDENCE: None

     VII.               ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1659 hours.



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  Arden Potter, Vice-Chairman                                       Marjie Watkins, District Clerk